
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Celebrating Writing!

We are finishing up on our unit on Personal Narratives.  The kids have grown so much with what they are able to do.  We have worked really hard to grow as writers and it shows.  In our school district, we have been using the Lucy Calkins' writing units.  Throughout this unit, we have made a number of anchor charts to help us remember what it is that we need to put into our stories.  Here is a look at two of the charts we created together as a class.
When we started out our unit we focused on making a detailed picture, so when a reader read the story, the picture could support what the author wanted to say.  Once they mastered the pictures, we moved on to focusing on the words of our story.

Thus the need for this anchor chart...

We still continue to work on making sure that we have enough detail in our words to "paint" a clear picture in our reader's mind.
As a grade level, for our PPG this year, we are focusing on elaboration with the kids.  We are working hard to tell who is in our story, what they are doing and how they felt.  As a grade level, we have decided that we would revisit narrative writing for a week at the end of whatever unit of writing we are working on at the time.  As an example, we are now doing How-To writing.  We will spend another 2 weeks with this genre of writing and before moving to All Abouts, we will spend a week revisiting personal narratives.  This is the first year we have done it this way, so we will see how it goes and what the kids have actually retained!

 Here are a couple of pictures of my kids working independently on their own personal narratives.  They all have writing offices that they can use to refer to personal anchor charts that we have made in class, alphabet chart, mini word wall and a way to keep their stories organized as they work.

 One of the ways that we like to wrap up the day's writing, is to meet on the floor with a writing piece of their choice to share with their neighbor!  They love to do this and are so proud of what they have accomplished!

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